PayPDM - A Decentralized Cryptocurrency Financial Firm
Have you follow the cryptocurrency news recently ? You must be realize that there are many new cryptocurrency projects based on Decentralized Finance or DeFi has been created nowadays. So, do you already know what DeFi is? DeFi is the abbreviation of Decentralized Finance, it is a financial system or platform that created on the decentralized system like blockchain. Usually it refers to Financial platform or dApps in Ethereum blockchain, although it can be created on other blockchain too. To make Decentralized Finance come true, we must using a good system or maybe a decentralized financial firm. When a Decentralized Financial firm created, people can manage their own Financial out of the centralized party. PayPDM Inc is the Decentralized Cryptocurrency Finance firm that providing many financial services on its platform based on the blockchain. Why we need Decentralized Finance firm ? because there are several problems in existing Finance firm. Problems in existing Finance firms Centr...