Gas Fee on Ethereum Blockchain

Hello my fellow readers, do you own a car ? If we own a car, then we need to supply it with the fuel because the car need fuel to operating. Same as your car, Ethereum blockchain need the gas as the fee for running the whole network. Why Ethereum blockchain needs fee ? Well, every coins in cryptocurrency needs fee for the network, we can think it is like a small reward for people who supports the blockchain network behind such as miners, masternodes, stakers, validators, or etc.. Because Ethereum is a Proof of Work (PoW) coin, the fee will goes to the miner who mined the block as reward. The block reward of Ethereum now is 2 ETH. If you are solo mining ETH coin currently, you will get the reward more than the block reward, do you know why ? That is because the fee on Ethereum network is high at the moment. Now my question is, why the hell is that happens ? Many people confused about why they need to use high fee when send ETH coin or tokens. Not to mention that many cryptocurrency exch...